Cemilan Homemade Keripik Usus Ayam

Cemilan Homemade Keripik Usus Ayam

Cemilan Homemade Keripik Usus Ayam 

  • 3/4 kg usus ayam (direbus)
  • 250 gr tepung beras
  • 250 gr tepung sagu
  • 250 gr tepung bumbu kntuky
  • 2 sdm ketumbar
  • 5 siung bawang putih
  • 3 sdt garam
  • lada secukupnya,boleh skip


  • Buat bumbu halus ketumbar bawang garam lada
  • Cuci bersih usus,Rendam usus dengan bumbu halus beri air secukupnya
  • Siapkan adonan kering campuran semua tepung 
  • Gulingkan usus kedalam adonan sedikit di remas2 agar tepung menempel
  • Goreng dalam minyak panas dengan api sedang
  • goreng hingga kuning keemasan dan crispy
  • kripik usus siap disajikan


DISCLAIMER: All wallpapers and backgrounds found here are believed to be in the "public domain". All of the images displayed are of unknown origin. We do not intend to infringe any legitimate intellectual right, artistic rights or copyright. If you are the rightful owner of any of the pictures/wallpapers posted here, and you do not want it to be displayed or if you require a suitable credit, then please contact us and we will immediately do whatever is needed either for the image to be removed or provide credit where it is due. All the content of this site are free of charge and therefore we do not gain any financial benefit from the display or downloads of any images/wallpaper.
Bikin Camilan Sendiri Potato Wedges Goreng Ala Cafe

Bikin Camilan Sendiri Potato Wedges Goreng Ala Cafe

Bikin Camilan Sendiri Potato Wedges Goreng Ala Cafe 

  • 3 buah kentang ukuran besar
  • 1 sachet tepung bumbu
  • 1 sdt peterselli 
  • secukupnya garam,lada bubuk,kaldu bubuk 
  • secukupnya air


  • Cuci kentang hingga bersih,Potong2 
  • Rebus kentang dengan sedikit garam hingga agak lunak, lalu tiriskan.
  • Campur tepung bumbu,air dan bumbu tambahan jangan terlalu cair kira2 hingga bisa menempel agak tebal di kentang, Celupkan kentang
  • Goreng hingga matang dan tepung menjadi renyah lalu tiriskan.
  • Taburi dengan peterselli. Siap disajikan.
  • Mudah bukan mam,Selamat mencoba


DISCLAIMER: All wallpapers and backgrounds found here are believed to be in the "public domain". All of the images displayed are of unknown origin. We do not intend to infringe any legitimate intellectual right, artistic rights or copyright. If you are the rightful owner of any of the pictures/wallpapers posted here, and you do not want it to be displayed or if you require a suitable credit, then please contact us and we will immediately do whatever is needed either for the image to be removed or provide credit where it is due. All the content of this site are free of charge and therefore we do not gain any financial benefit from the display or downloads of any images/wallpaper.
Sambal Pecel Ala Kampung Aroma Sedap

Sambal Pecel Ala Kampung Aroma Sedap

Sambal Pecel Ala Kampung Aroma Sedap

  • 1/4 kg kacang tanah
  • 1/5 kg gula merah bisa tambah atau kurang
  • 5  daun jeruk purut
  • 4 butir asam jawa
  • 1 ruas kencur
  • 2 bawang putih, 3 bawang merah
  • Secukupnya garam,penyedap
  • sesuai selera Cabe rawit,cabe merah

Langkah :

  • Goreng kacang hingga matang,goreng juga cabe,bawang putih,merah
  • haluskan kacang dengan ulekan agar lebih sedap sisihkan,
  • Halusan cabe,asam,kencur,daun jeruk,bawang putih,merah dan beri garam,penyedap
  • Campur kacang yang sudah halus,tumbuk lagi kemudian tambahkan gula merah hingga rasa pas sesuai yang didinginkan.dan teksture kaku kalis dan mengeluarkam minyak
  • Jika ingin sambal awet simpan dalam wadah tertutup kemudian masuka dalam kulkas
  • selamat mencoba mam


DISCLAIMER: All wallpapers and backgrounds found here are believed to be in the "public domain". All of the images displayed are of unknown origin. We do not intend to infringe any legitimate intellectual right, artistic rights or copyright. If you are the rightful owner of any of the pictures/wallpapers posted here, and you do not want it to be displayed or if you require a suitable credit, then please contact us and we will immediately do whatever is needed either for the image to be removed or provide credit where it is due. All the content of this site are free of charge and therefore we do not gain any financial benefit from the display or downloads of any images/wallpaper.

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